Proper technical support is key to running our farming and grading operations. It is thus an important discipline at Sher! Generators need to run smoothly; the greenhouses need proper maintenance and machinery and equipment need to be safe and ready for use. This is an important department in our business and requires technically qualified professionals. Besides that we carry out all construction work under our own management.
Sintayehu Manfredo / Senior Welder
When did you start at Sher Ethiopia?
I am working at Sher since 2011.
Please describe your career path
I started my work in Sher Ethiopia as a general worker in the farm. Then I joined a scout team. I wanted to improve myself and for that reason I attended evening classes and graduated as a welder at level four. Now I am working in the company as a senior welder.
Why do you like to work for Sher Ethiopia?
I was born and raised in Ziway. Working in such a nice job in my hometown is great. I love being around my family so I am really happy here at Sher Ethiopia.
Why would you recommend other people to apply for a job at Sher Ethiopia?
Yes, I do advise so many youths to come and work in Sher, because apart from getting a salary, there are other benefit packages, like school, workers children have a right to learn in Sher School, then from grade 0 -12, they learn without paying any single school fees and no payment for their medical expenses. The other big package is the hospital, when any worker gets sick all the medical expenses are covered by the company which includes referral cases.

Bona Rago / Mechanic
When did you start at Sher Ethiopia?
I started working at Sher in March 2013.
Please describe your career path
My first job at Sher was as a security guard. In my spare time I attended school and studied mechanics. After graduation the company promoted me to the Mechanical department. Now I am one of the professional mechanics in the company.
Why do you like to work for Sher Ethiopia?
Firstly, I need to work and support my family. Secondly, the company is in my home area so there is no struggle to get to work. Thirdly, at Sher you are really appreciated, especially when you are willing to improve yourself and learn. Finally, the company is giving priority to its workers when there is an open vacancy.
Why would you recommend other people to apply for a job at Sher Ethiopia?
Yes, I do recommend others to work for Sher Ethiopia because I like others to get the benefit that I am getting now for instance the school and hospital packages. I want them to understand that working for Sher can really change their lives too.