Overview News

10th anniversary of the annual Health and Safety Day

27 May 2021 Mariska Braam
Sher Ethiopia Placeholder

Health and safety have always been core values at Sher Ethiopia. This year, on May 20 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Ziway/Batu annual Health and Safety Day. The program was prepared in collaboration with the following organizations: the Labor and Social Affairs office, the Environmental office, the Water & Energy Office, 5 flower farms (Sher Ethiopia, Ziway Roses, AQ roses, Herburg Roses and Braam Roses) and the neighboring companies Soda ash (caustic soda) and Ziway/Batu Pesticide.

The field program started with a tour with a sound system creating awareness for the village people and the workers concerning health and safety matters. After the tour, all participants met at the Sher clubhouse for several presentations and a forum discussion. The opening speech was given by Ato Mohamed Husen, from the labor and social affairs office.

At the closing ceremony several awards and certificates were handed out.

Health and safety should always be a priority and with this additional awareness we make our farms and community a saver place.

green plants, working people certificate