Recently, Dutch Flower Foundation has donated a new autoclave machine to Sher hospital. The machine, worth close to 10.000 dollars, is used to sterilize operation materials and surgical instruments. For the operating theater the autoclave is essential. Doctor Dems (medical director) explains: “At Sher Hospital at least two major operations take place per day. The new autoclave will help to save lives. With this donation we can continue to guarantee the quality of our services “.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dutch Flower Foundation on behalf of all employees of the Sher hospital for this generous donation.
At Sher hospital all Sher employees (approx. 12.500) and Sher-students (6.500) get free medical care. Members of the community are served at a low-cost rate. Over 100.000 patients are treated every year.
Dutch Flower Foundation (DFF) aims to improve the living conditions and well-being of people in need and in particular children. Through the activities of DFF, DFG gives substance to its responsibility for the world in which we live.