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Plantas and Rema 1000 upgrade IT-rooms Sher School

27 May 2021 Mariska Braam

With a generous gift of Plantas and Rema 1000 we were able to upgrade our IT-rooms at the Sher High-school. 18 computers were replaced. Hundreds of students will benefit from this according to Sher High-school director mr. Abde: ‘Computer-skills are extremely important for our students. Sher-schools have an excellent reputation in Ethiopia. Almost all of the students qualify to attend universities. New computers enable us to uphold our reputation and open the digital world to our students’.

Danish wholesaler Plantas has been a loyal customer of Afriflora over 15 years, delivering flowers and plants to Rema 1000, a retail chain with over 350 supermarkets in Denmark.

At Sher schools 6800 children ranging from Kindergarten to Highschool get free education. On behalf of the students and teachers we would like to thank Plantas and Rema 1000 for their highly appreciated contribution.

working on computers

sher school computerssher school boys computer